Cutler’s History of Kansas: Every Name Index for Osage County

This early history of Osage County is rich with the names of early settlers of Osage County.  There are biographies of the more prominent settlers, most of whom came from New England states, and many of which include short genealogies of their forbears.

$3.00 for each page copied with full citation.  Includes postage.  Please include name(s), location (if given), page and column number for each request.

Send requests via postal mail to: OCHS, PO Box 361, Lyndon, KS 66451

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When compiling the index, the following criteria were observed:

1.    Every known name that a person used was recorded as a separate record.  For example, a married woman would be listed by her maiden name (if known) and her married name.  If the titles of Miss and Mrs. were given, they are noted as well.

2.    If a woman married a second or more times, she is listed with each known surname.

3.    Married women are listed by their own first name if it is known.  If not known, they are listed as Mrs. (husband’s first name and surname.)

4.    The second column notes the locality where the person is residing when noted.  This includes places in Kansas only.  Many of the biographies list the exact places of birth for these settlers but these are not included in this index.

5.    The third column includes the page and column number where the surname is located.

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