Osage County Historical Society, Inc.
Hawley Research Center We are the official repository for archived Osage County records. Let the experienced staff of Osage County Historical Society & Research Center help you find your family’s history. Our resources include:
Because we are located across the street from the Osage County Courthouse, we are happy to obtain photocopies of original records. For more information on our resources, or to obtain copies of records, please:
As of 1 January 2010, our standard research fee for non-member walk-in patrons is $3.00 per visit plus 25 cents for each copied page Our standard research fee for e-mail, postal mail, and telephone patrons is $10.00 for the first hour, $5.00 each additional hour plus 25 cents for each copied page. (Members of Osage Co. Hist. Soc. receive the first hour of research free.) Our practice is to research all available and/or applicable records including original records at the courthouse. When the search is complete, we provide the patron with a list of what has been found along with a cost estimate. The patron is then able to remove from the list any items he/she might already have. After final determination of items to be sent and costs, the patron sends a check or money order for the agreed upon amount made payable to Osage County Historical Society. Upon receipt of the check or money order, the packet is mailed to the patron. The standard research fee may be negotiated if the request is very simple or very complex. For adjacent area research see these websites: