These documents are nearly all of legal (8 1/ 2x14), therefore the cost of the first page will be $3.00 with
additional pages at .50 each. This does include the cost of postage.

Send your request via postal mail to: OCHS, P.O. Box 361, Lyndon, KS. 66451 Or email us at:

Please include in your request: NAME (business, organization, or residence), CITY or TOWNSHIP; and YEAR of CENSUS. When the records are found, we will advise as to the number of pages and the total costs. Copies will be mailed upon receipt of payment.


The following criteria were set for the indexing of these records:

  1. Records for 1890 have been transcribed for the townships of Burlingame, Dragoon, Ridgeway and Superior. NOTE: Original records for this group are not available at OCHS. They can possibly be obtained at the Schuyler Museum in Burlingame, Kansas. Our grateful thanks to Arlene Jennings for having done this work and for the inspiration for the remainder of the project. We will send Arlene’s transcriptions.
  2. Partial years of records from various cities and townships which range from 1919 to 1927 are included.
  3. Records from 1950 through 1975 (taken every five years) for every city and township are included. Because these are fairly recent, there may be privacy issues and we ask for proof of direct family relationship before we can provide actual copies of records.
  4. These records can provide proof of residency during years when census records are not available, such as 1890 and those from 1950 onward. For residences, the records generally include a physical description of the land, assets of the owner such as livestock, crop information, vehicles and household items owned, etc.. The records can provide a good picture of life in that particular year.
  5. The index columns are arranged in the following order: NAME (of business, organization, or residence), CITY or TOWNSHIP, YEAR of census, PAGE #, # IN FAMILY, DATE OF BIRTH, AGE. Not all information was collected in every census year.

 A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z